
The Colors of a Woman

Hey COW-munity, I'm Giorgia! This is me with Sebastian and Pumba two lovely pigs I met in Australia. This is where my journey began in creating my project .

Actually, it started long before this picture was taken, when I realized that justice, respect and inclusion were my fundamental values ​​and I decided to live by them.

As a young girl I always felt empathetic towards others and had the urge to help them and make them feel included. Growing up I've had the chance to explore the world and see things from different perspectives, change my mind frequently and rethink my values.

Now the interesting part comes..

In October 2020 my partner and I decided we would only eat meat on Fridays, my partner and I decided we would only eat meat on Fridays. We weren't crazy; we had just learned that the meat industry has a substantial impact on environmental pollution, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, water contamination, and air pollution.

It wouldn't hurt to give it a try, and we would still have fish—frozen fish from Vietnam. I know what you're thinking: " Why don't you just buy fresh fish? ". We had just moved to Greece during the pandemic; we didn't know the language nor where to buy fresh fish. But that's an excuse . It was just cheaper that way!

Anyway, during lockdown, we kept informed and watched many documentaries about the environment and how our dietary choices can change the world.

Well, it turns out we didn't want to eat meat at all. We found a vegetarian burger we loved and would order it every Friday! Eventually, we realized it was really silly to waste our money and health on frozen fish from the other side of the world, so we smoothly went vegetarian.

Issues, here they come!

After life went back to normal we had to face our families and their strong culinary traditions, and we didn't want to let them down, so we decided to limit our choices to when it was possible. We were now part-time vegetarians!

Until one day, when I decided to watch the documentary that turned many omnivores and vegetarians into vegans: Dominion. I had been reading about the topic long enough to understand the benefit of a vegan lifestyle. Ten minutes into the documentary, I had already made up my mind: " I will be vegan from this second onward ."

It all started for the environment, but now the focus shifted to the animals and the morality of my careless actions when deciding what to eat.

So let's come back to the present.

I decided to volunteer at a sanctuary to get in touch with animals and nature, and there is where I decided I could do more. I could inform people, empower them with knowledge as I wish I had many years ago. And here I am, I founded The Colors of a Woman, which is my way of advocating for animals, empowering humans and sharing the knowledge on how to walk towards more sustainable and eco-friendly choices.

My mission is to create a COW-munity , (COW is the acronym of Colors of a Woman), where we can share great advice and team up to create a better future for everyone, serving as a reminder of our shared responsibility to protect the planet and its inhabitants.

What are you waiting for?

Join us and become part of this world changing COW-munity!

Thank you for reading my story, feel free to share yours with me, you can send me an email or just drop me a message on @thecolorsofawoman.